LIFE SWSS flyer – Version #1
LIFE SWSS poster version #1
LIFE SWSS Notice board
LIFE SWSS flyer – Version #2
LIFE SWSS Brochure version #2
LIFE SWSS poster version #2
Optimization module
SWSS Leakage detection module
SWSS architecture and requirements definition
Guidelines to Implement the SWSS Platform on Water Supply Systems
Socio-economic impact assessment report
Layman report
After-LIFE Plan
Assessment of pumps performance in water supply systems
Assessment of the potential for energy recovery in water trunk mains
Assessment of energy consumption and carbon footprint in urban water systems: two case studies from Portugal
Improved Assessment of Energy Recovery Potential in WSS with High Demand Variation
Improving energy efficiency in water supply systems with pump scheduling optimization
Water and Energy Efficiency CCWI2017
Deteção e localização de fugas