Demonstration Sites
The LIFE SWSS project is a demonstration project which aims to increase the efficiency of water supply systems based on an innovative management and decision support platform (SWSS). SWSS platform combines, in a single platform, five modules:(1) Predictive module, (2) Hydraulic simulation module, (3) Assessment module, (4) Leakage module and (5) Optimization module, which are based on previous developments from consortium partners which will be integrated in one single platform and validated under real working conditions of water supply systems.
The SWSS platform will be implemented in three industrial scale demonstration sites, which are selected parts of AdA and EPAL’s (Centre and West) water supply systems.
The figure presents the geographical distribution of the water supply companies of AdP in Portugal.
The selection of the demonstration water supply systems was based on the following criteria:
- Diversity of hydraulic configuration (gravity and/or elevation by pumping, profile, number of pumping station and storage capacity)
- Patterns of use and different water uses (urban, tourism, rural and dispersed)
- Level of transferability to the other water companies;
- Level of instrumentation and data availability

AdA demonstration case – “West/Oriental main System” – this demonstration case includes 13 pumping stations, 2 storage tanks of AdA and 18 delivery points in municipal storage tanks (the water origins are treated at Alcantarilha Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and Tavira WTP). This water supply network (West/Oriental mains System) also has the particular hydraulic possibility of being reversible by means of two pumping stations, to allow flow reversal according to the needs or future consumption of contingencies arising. The West/Oriental mains system also includes water transport by gravity to some delivery points (storage tanks). The energy consumption of this system in 2013 was 5,0 GWh that represents emissions of 2.363 ton CO2 equivalent. The correspondent water volume in 2013 was 25,5 Mm3.
Special criteria: seasonality (increase of water consumption during the summer season), hydraulic possibility of being reversible by means of two pumping stations, to allow flow reversal; Patterns of use and different water uses (urban, tourism, rural and dispersed); Diversity of hydraulic runs (gravity and elevation by pumping);
AdA Targets:
- Reduction of 15 % in the energy consumption, 0,75 GWh;
- Reduction of 15% in CO2 emissions, 354 ton CO2eq;
- Reduction of the average water losses in supply system from 1% to 0,8%. Water losses at AdA in 2013 reached 256.000 m3 (1%)

EPAL’s Centre demonstration case – “Santa Águeda/Pisco Systems, Castelo Branco branch” – comprises four pumping stations (one of them is the Santa Águeda Abstraction), one WTP, five storage tanks and 5 delivery points. The energy consumption of this system in 2013 was 3.0 GWh that represents emissions of 1.679 ton CO2 equivalent. The correspondent water volume in 2013 was 4,1 Mm3. In Santa Águeda-Pisco system, the branch of Castelo Branco is the biggest consumer of electrical energy (84% of energy consumption of the system). The water pumping station of Carvalhos is the biggest consumer of electrical energy of this system, with an annual consumption (2013) of 1.791GWh (50% Santa Águeda/Pisco system’s energy consumption; 60% of Castelo Branco branch’s energy consumption).
Special criteria: Patterns of use and different water uses (rural and dispersed); small system; include gravity and elevation, by pumping, hydraulic runs; include water abstraction and one treatment plant.
EPAL’s Centre Targets:
- Reduction of 15 % in the energy consumption, 0,45GWh;
- Reduction of 15% in CO2 emissions, 252 ton CO2eq;
- Reduction of the average water losses in supply system from 2,6% to 1%. Water losses at EPAL Centre reached 106.600 m3 (1%) in 2013.

EPAL’s West demonstration case – “Alenquer/Torres Vedras/ Mafra and Arruda/Sobral System” – The total system (demonstration case) comprises seven pumping stations, ten storage tanks and twenty three others delivery points. The demonstration case is the Alenquer/Torres Vedras/Mafra subsystem (ATM subsystem), Arruda/Sobral subsystem (AS subsystem) and its interconnections (the interconnections has allowed great flexibility in water supply to the municipalities of Arruda dos Vinhos and essentially Sobral de Monte Agraço, in addition to strengthening supply to these two municipalities). The demonstration case also includes water transport by gravity to some delivery point. The energy consumption of this system in 2013 was 9,0 GWh that represents emissions of 4.245 ton CO2 equivalent. The correspondent water volume in 2013 was 9,9 Mm3The Alenquer pumping station is the biggest consumer of electrical energy of AdO water supply system, with an annual consumption (2013) of almost 6.0 de GWh (31% of energy consumption of West water suplly systems; 66% of energy consumption of demonstration case; 79% of energy consumption of subystem Alenquer/Torres Vedras/Mafra).
Special criteria: the interconnections of two different subsystems and the flexibility to flow direction (the interconnections has allowed great flexibility in water supply), Patterns of use and different water uses (urban, rural and dispersed); Diversity of hydraulic runs (gravity and elevation by pumping); municipalities water supply – delivery points – directly and in storage tanks; the system includes the biggest consumer of electrical energy of EPAL’s West water supply system.
EPAL’s West Targets:
- Reduction of 15 % in the energy consumption, 1,35 GWh
- Reduction of 15% in CO2 emissions, 637 ton CO2eq;
- Reduction of the average water losses in supply system from 2,6% to 1%. Water losses at EPAL West reached 257.400 m3 (1%) in 2013.