
LIFE SWSS at the workshop organized by ICT4Water

Published on 18 July 2018

Following its accession to the ICT4Water cluster, LIFE SWSS was invited to participate in the workshop entitled “Smart water services: Bridging the digital and the physical world”. This event took place on 13 June 2018 during the Water Innovation Europe 2018 in Brussels and was a joint organization of EASME, DG CONNECT Smart Mobility and Living, European Water Technology Platform (WSSTP) and ICT4Water cluster. The LIFE SWSS project was represented by ISQ researcher João Ribau.

Relevant key areas were presented as follows:

  • Action Plan for a Digital Single Market of Water Services Status
  • Water in the context of the circular economy, Water Value Chains vision
  • Investor’s perspective
  • European Catalogue of ICT4Water standards
  • Action Plan Follow Up – Projects main outcomes presentation
  • Front-runners and initiatives